Dress Code

Lemuel Teal Middle School Uniform Policy
August 2023

The purpose of a school uniform policy is to encourage students to focus on learning without the distractions of unsuitable dress and grooming. Personal appearance shall not detract from the educational process. Students shall maintain an orderly and clean appearance at all times. When a student’s appearance at school becomes a disruptive factor, a safety hazard, or a health concern, the administration will take the appropriate steps to correct and remedy the situation. The minimum acceptable standards for student dress and grooming to be interpreted and enforced by the principal or designees at LTMS are:

  • Tops:
    • All polo shirts and dresses must have collars and be a solid color .
      • The logos of the shirts can be only roughly the size of a quarter (administration reserves right to
        determine if appropriate).
    • All shirts must be properly fitted. They cannot be oversized or undersized.
    • If a student wears a t-shirt underneath his/her shirt, it must be white or the color of the shirt being worn.
    • Undergarments must not be visible.
    • Shirts may or may not be tucked in.
    • When the student raises both hands over his/her head, midriff should not be visible at any time.
    • Students who purchase the school spirit t-shirts can wear them in lieu of a collared shirt.
  • Bottoms:
    • Shorts, long pants, skirts, skorts, capri pants or jumpers must be navy blue, black, or khaki in color.
    • All bottoms must be properly fitted (tight clothing is not permitted).
    • Shorts, skorts, polo dresses, skirts, and jumpers must fall no higher than 3 inches above the knee.
    • All bottoms must be worn at the waist at all times.
    • No alterations to bottoms are acceptable (for example: if bottoms are bought with belt loops they cannot be removed).
    • Denim material, spandex, sweatpants, skinny pants, cut offs, pants made of stretchy material, and cargo
      pants/shorts are not permitted.
    • Tights/leggings can be worn only under skirts, polo dresses, or jumpers (not shorts).
      • They must be solid white, navy blue, gray, or black.
      • They cannot be see-through
    • Bottoms that have designs on the pockets or rivets along the pockets (tan jeans) are not considered dress code attire, nor are decorative rips.
    • Jeans may be worn when permitted (dress down day, PBIS celebration).
      • Jeans may not have holes in them.
      • Jeans must fit properly on the hip.
  • Belts:
    • All bottoms with belt loops must be worn at the waist with a belt at all times.
    • School-approved belts include leather or canvas (no fabric material).
      • They must be a solid color: white, black, red, yellow, brown or blue .
    • The belt must be plain and free from studs, spikes, or other decorative embellishments.
    • The buckle of the belt must be simple and free from symbols, logos, or other adornments (plain belt buckles).
  • Jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts:
    • All outerwear worn during the school day must be a solid color: white, black, red, yellow, or blue.
    • Hoods (hoodies) are not to be worn during the school day. Jackets may not have faux fur, embellishments, or
    • Jacket hoods must always remain off the student’s head and unzippered. They may not cover or block the view of the student’s face.
    • Jackets are not to be used to cover up dress code violations.
    • Any violation to these rules will result in confiscation of the garment and parents will have to retrieve
  • Hair:
    • Mohawks, extreme spiked hair, or designs cut into hair are considered a distraction and, therefore, are not
    • Eyebrows must not be edged, shaved, or designed in any manner.
    • Plain hair bands are permitted (no animal ears, horns, etc.).
    • Hats are not permitted.
  • Shoes:
    • All shoes must be closed-toe and closed-heel with a rubber sole.
    • No high-heels, boots, flip flops, Crocs, slides, or slippers.
  • Socks:
    • Solid colored socks must be worn below the knee.
    • Socks with a logo smaller than a quarter are permitted.
    • Socks must be worn with all shoes at all times.
  • Cosmetics: Makeup must not be excessive to the point where it becomes a disruptive factor. Writing on the body, tattoos, and/or body stickers are not permitted.
  • Jewelry:
    • Students may wear one necklace.
    • Chains longer than 20 inches in length are prohibited, and all chains must be worn inside of the shirt at all times.
    • Adornments on the necklaces must be smaller than a quarter.
    • Chokers, dog collars, spikes, or chain wallets are not permitted.
    • Students may wear one ring per hand and one bracelet per wrist.
    • Earrings are limited to one pair of hoops regardless of the number of piercings, and all earrings must be smaller than a quarter.
    • Adornments that are attached to exposed body parts other than the ears are not permitted.
      • For example: an adornment attached to the tongue, lip, eyebrow or nose is not permitted.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Sweatbands and bandanas may not be worn anywhere on the body at any time.
      • Sweatbands may be worn ONLY during P.E
  • P.E. Uniforms:
    • Dress requirements for P.E. will include the following:
      • Athletic shoes (If black soles, get non-marking type)
      • Plain GREY or Dark Blue T-shirt (not see through)
      • BLACK shorts
      • Shorts must be school appropriate.
      • It is preferred that students have a pair of shoes to use strictly for P.E.
      • Students must wear the required colored shirts and shorts during PE.

The administration retains the right to review student attire and grooming on an as-needed basis. Any infraction of the dress and grooming policy which a teacher or administrator feels disrupts the flow of education will be addressed. Should any student choose to dress or groom inappropriately according to the school’s dress and grooming code, he/she may be required to remain out of the classroom until a parent comes to school to correct the situation. Repeated dress or grooming code violations will be considered insubordination and will be addressed through the student code of conduct.

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